Which of the final designs would you like to see installed at Forres Academy?
You can read more about each of the final designs below.
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Moray Council and the Forres Outdoor Gym Group want to hear your views about plans for the Outdoor Gym.
Eight designs have been developed for you to choose from and comment on. These designs are based on extensive consultation with young people in Forres and the wider community.
We would like your feedback to help decide on a final design. Through extensive fundraising by Forres Outdoor Gym Group ALL designs are possible.
We wanted to create a multi-functional outdoor fitness area that was not only beneficial for the school to use, but a great inclusive environment for the community to benefit from.
Using multiples of different pieces of equipment and items that have more than one user at a time, will allow class teachers to create a fitness regime that fits in with the curriculum and include even larger class sizes. The area also creates a comfortable environment for friends meeting and being able to socialise and chat whilst working out. The full area is accessible through a grass mat surface in the area, with many items being accessible for individuals with mobility issues, through lower level activities and seated body positioning. Taking into consideration the picturesque surroundings, we wanted to blend the equipment into the area, and have chosen a forest green colour for all the equipment. There are benches close by the equipment for taking a break, or for rest periods between exercises, and a meeting point situated close by for those just wanting to enjoy the surroundings. All products are available in a variety of colours.
Hawthorn Heights have been creative & innovative in the provision of an Outdoor Gym area at Forres Academy.
We have fully met the client’s requirements for the area through the provision of various exercise equipment to suit people of all fitness levels & abilities. Our overall objective was to develop a high quality outdoor exercise facility that can be enjoyed by everyone and we have achieved this through the provision of a number of items that are not only inclusive but are of high quality, challenging and will test a variety of areas of the body. We are proposing to use 11no. Outdoor Sunshine Gym Equipment and a Teen Shelter from Playdale. All equipment is manufactured under ISO 9001 Quality Management Standards together with ISO 14001 for Environmental Adherence. All Equipment conforms to latest TUV Standards.
We have included a 2.5m wide pathway constructed from rubber grass matting and the entire footprint of the gym area and the picnic table areas have rubber grass matting. We have decided to propose using wetpour safety surfacing under the roofed teen shelter which will be linked to the pathway. These surfaces will not only reduce maintenance provisions but will also make it fully inclusive for those users in wheel chairs. In conclusion, we have provided Moray Council with fantastic high quality exercise area that is inviting, inclusive and suitable for all fitness levels. The equipment utilised will engage individuals and promote exercise which will ultimately lead to a healthier community.
Our KOMPAN design incorporates all elements required to offer a full body workout to a large range of user types. Our cardio range offers low impact movement with real adjustable resistance just like in an indoor facility. This means the workout is measurable against known biofeedback markers such as calories burned, power output in wattage and distance. The arm bike offers cardiovascular training to those with less lower body mobility, accessible from the seat, standing, or in a wheelchair.
A key requirement for ageing joints is weight and resistance training. Our magnetic bells give users two real weights at different strength levels, and the supporting exercise boards show many exercise options from easy to hard. The suspension trainer handles again at two different levels, give a non-weight bearing option to resistance training. Both of these options are fantastic for increasing bone density and reducing the risks and signs of osteoarthritis as we age.
The way in which adults exercise can directly impact mobility, coordination, brain function, agility and balance. Therefore our combi 5 and Agility trail give numerous impactful ways to work the body and train many of the smaller muscle groups and tendons. An example of this would be the hand eye coordination needed to hold a rubber ball on the agility trail, whilst balancing on your toes to cross the pods.
Most importantly, KOMPANS FREE APP, gives all users a ‘virtual personal trainer’ to aid them in their physical activities, so they progress and get fitter and stronger.
A fun-sport station offering a real outdoor gym. Covers all dimensions of sport (Strength, Balance, Coordination, Cardio) and all levels of ability (from beginners to the experienced). The number, variety and diversity of the activities help to build user loyalty and this combination can accommodate many users at the same time.
With our Meeting Point, anyone can meetup or have a rest after a long workout. Not to mention the seats are at wheelchair height so everyone feels at home. Due to the multi-functionality of the new outdoor gym, users will strengthen their connection with others within the community.
Users who may struggle with motor disabilities have plenty on offer too, from the bench press to the squat (which converts into a shoulder press for those who use wheelchairs), these provides a real sense of inclusion and diversity within the design.
For Forres Community Outdoor Gym, we wanted to maximise the inclusive aspect within our design and allow people to meet, exercise, socialise, and most importantly, have fun! Acti’Fun products are designed to be motivating and engaging by incorporating play in sport. Across the fun-sport unit, we have installed multiple smartphone holders where users can listen to music with their gym buddies and take selfies to send to friends, family, and the rest of the community. Exercise is at the heart of health and wellbeing, and with the array of items on offer within our design, everyone and anyone will be able find their love for fitness through fun-sport.
The equipment selected for our design proposal is manufactured from either stainless steel or steel that has been galvanized, fixings have been upgraded to stainless to increase the longevity of the site. When selecting equipment for this project we have chosen high quality play items that will stand the test of time, are durable and not easy to vandalise. All equipment used within the design is manufactured in the UK, this helps reduce the carbon footprint of the play area and allows for accessibility of spare parts.
Equipment Selection
The Teen Shelter we have selected combines seating at different heights and the addition of a hammock for a variation in the seating provided. We can provide the shelter with either a rope or belt hammock dependent on client preference. The CGL panels on the shelter are wipe clean from graffiti and vandalism.
The Central Multi-Unit selected is a calisthenics unit and has been designed in conjunction with top athletes from the sport. Calisthenics can provide the benefits of muscular and aerobic conditioning, in addition to improving psychomotor skills such as balance, agility, and coordination.
The individual items selected for the project are moving items to provide alternative type of exercise to the rig. These items are for individual users, however, the layout also encourages group workouts. The Power Smart Bike provides the unique experience of exercising while producing energy for contactless charging for mobile devices.
The hand bike and push hands are both wheelchair accessible. The rig has bars and rings set a different heights to allow accessibility for all users.
Outdoor Fitness/Gym can be used by a full range of ages and abilities. Young adults can actively strengthen their physical condition while working to improve their fitness and wellbeing.
Fitness stations are designed to enable simple exercises to increase tone, strength and flexibility in all muscle groups. The exercise elements utilise repetitive movements and the users’ weight to provide resistance.
The Fitness Station unit consist of the following:
• Pull Up Rack • Parallel Bars • Chin Up Bar • Tricep Dip • Push Up Bar • Leg Raise • Stepper • Jump Step • Sit Up Bench
Accommodating at least 8 users.
Move your legs like riding a bike. Strengthens the muscles of the lower limbs and improves circulation.
Butterfly Sit comfortably and place legs onto the platforms. Hold both handles with your hands. Pull the handles towards your body in a smooth movement. Return the handles to the starting position. Strengthens the muscles of the arms, chest and back.
Leg Press
Seated position. Place legs on platforms. Straighten legs, smooth push away from device. Strengthens abdominal muscles, lower limbs, develops quadriceps, improves joint function and circulation.
Air Walker
Place hands on handles / legs on the platforms. Straight back and move legs forward and backwards. Strengthens muscles in legs and abdomen. Positive effect on the circulatory-respiratory system. Improves motor coordination.
Inclusive Hand Pedal
Turning handles using hands. Strengthens muscles of hands, shoulders improving circulation.
Bench With Bike (inclusive)
Bench with back rest. Feet on pedals /start turning pedals. Strengthens/builds leg muscles, improves circulation.
I would like to choose Design 5 - Kompan, and ticked it, but it is not clear how to submit that choice!